(EFI) Ryzen 5 3600 – MSI Tomahawk Max B450x – RX 580 8GB and macOS Ventura 13.0

Hello. After days of hard work, I managed to install Ventura 13.0 on my system without any problems. Everything is up to date (Open core bootloader etc.)

Download: EFI-RZ5-MSIb450x-RX580-Ventura.zip | OneDrive | Mediafire

My system:

- CPU: Amd ryzen 6 3600
- Mainboard: Msi Tomahawk max B450
- Graphics: Msi RX 580 8GB
- Disk: Kingston ssd 240 GB

Working components:

- Sound
- Graphics fluent
- Icloud etc. features
- iMessage
- Power sleep options etc.

A few indispensable applications I use.

  • With Mos-Mouse, you gain a fluent look like in the original macs while navigating web pages etc: https://github.com/Caldis/Mos/releases/
  • Appl TV 4K Screen saver. There are also great screensavers inside: https://github.com/JohnCoates/Aerial
  • I turned off the AMD Iommu and secure boot settings from the BIOS settings, found the Plist file in the Efi that I downloaded from the site, found the Plist file suitable for my processor, made the name config.plist and started the installation. But the installation did not start. I researched and put the efi shared by this friend to Usb and installed it: https://github.com/sileshn/Ryzentosh

After the installation, I put the necessary files into the efi and I was able to boot without the usb. But I couldn’t get past the open core bootloader update.

I did the open core update manually. I just downloaded the latest version and replaced the ones in x64 with whatever is in my own ef.

I didn’t throw away other files etc. I replaced whatever is in the efi I use with new ones. Then I opened my config file with open core and made Misc>Security>Expose Sensitive Data part 6 and restarted. The value here is normally 3 vs or zero if I remember correctly. I tried it as 9, but even if the bootloader version was up-to-date, hackintools was not up-to-date, and when I opened my config file with open core, it gave a risk warning at startup.

When I did 9, the boot loader version appeared to be correct in Hackintools. There is no problem at the moment, the system is like oil.

Thank TurkPro09

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23 days ago

dosed work

1 year ago

Thank you!

Hiep Nguyen
Hiep Nguyen
2 years ago
