OmniOutliner – Capture and organize big ideas for Mac

OmniOutliner is a powerful application for macOS that helps you organize, structure, and manage your ideas, to-do lists, projects, and more. It acts as an outlining tool, allowing you to create hierarchical structures with multiple levels, where each level represents a specific idea or task.

Why use OmniOutliner?

  • Effective organization: OmniOutliner helps you create logical and easy-to-understand structures, giving you a clear overview of your project or task.
  • Flexibility: You can customize the interface and features of OmniOutliner to suit your workflow.
  • Diverse features: In addition to creating lists, OmniOutliner also supports features such as:
    • Notes: You can add detailed notes to each item.
    • Images: Embed images directly into items.
    • Links: Link items to each other or to other documents.
    • Checklists: Create to-do lists and mark them as complete.
    • Publishing: Publish documents in various formats such as PDF, HTML, etc.
  • Integration with other apps: OmniOutliner works well with other apps in the Apple ecosystem, such as Mail, Calendar, and more.

Who should use OmniOutliner?

  • Students: To create outlines, take lecture notes, and manage projects.
  • Office workers: To plan projects, manage tasks, and create reports.
  • Writers: To brainstorm ideas, structure articles, and manage references.
  • Anyone who wants to organize information effectively: OmniOutliner is a useful tool for everyone, from beginners to professionals.


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