Infinix Hot 9 Pro has been launched with MediaTek Helio A25 processor around the world. Infinix Hot 9 Pro has a 6.6-inch IPS LCD screen with 720p display resolution. The aspect ratio is 20:9 and the screen to body ratio is 83 percent. As aforementioned, this smartphone is powered by MediaTek Helio P22 processor which is octa-core in nature and is clocked at 2GHz. Plus, it contains Android 10 as its operating system as well. As far as GPU is concerned, the smartphone has PowerVR GE8320 as its GPU.
In terms of storage, the smartphone consists of 4GB of RAM and 64GB of internal storage which is expandable to 256GB with the help of a dedicated microSD slot.
The smartphone consists of a powerful 48MP + 2MP + 2MP + QVGA quad rear camera with a quad LED flash and this is perhaps the best feature in the smartphone. Not just this, it also has an 8MP front camera with an LED flash and this is again really good to get powerful selfies and video calls. It has a highly impressive 5000mAh battery which is great for normal users. It has a rear-mounted fingerprint scanner and a powerful face unlock security feature too.
Stock ROM for Infinix Hot 9 Pro (X665F)
How to:
(TUTS) How to flash rom / firmware via SP Flashtool